Holistic Counselling in Whitley Bay, Newcastle upon Tyne Tel.: 07955 483 190

Acupuncture is an excellent addition to talking therapy as apart from helping the body to heal physical ailments, acupuncture has been proven to enhance the emotional well-being by centering the person and promoting calmness, inner joy, clarity and release of pent-up emotions.
When applied correctly - by addressing the root cause of a health imbalance, acupuncture can effectively address a wide spectrum of physical, emotional and psycho-somatic signs and symptoms/conditions.
I practise classical constitutional/Stems and Branches acupuncture which outlines the physical and emotional energetic constitution of a person, which is different for each individual. As such, it outlines the exact organs and meridians a person is most likely to develop imbalances in, when physically or emotionally out of balance throughout their lifetime.
The understanding of a person's unique energetic imprint allows me to treat each patient in a refined way. It has proven to be very effective in addressing the underlying cause of the presenting health problem, as opposed to treating symptoms alone, which promotes overall health and well-being in the long term.
I gained my fundamental training in acupuncture when completing a 3 year undergraduate degree at International College of Oriental Medicine, the oldest college of acupuncture in the UK, which was regulated by Greenwich University in London.
I was further extensively and post-gradually trained in Stems and Branches acupuncture by Joan Duveen in the Netherlands over two years.
The core of my practice also includes applying understanding of western medicine pathology in terms of classical Chinese medicine pathology, when it comes to energy systems. I was extensively trained in Western - Classical Chinese pathology by Peter van Kervel in the UK, over two years.
Apart from continuous studies in acupuncture, I regularly attend seminars on natural medicine.
I am a member of The Acupuncture Society which acts as my regulatory body.
Acupuncture session (upto 1hr 15mins): £60
Whitley Bay Big Local
158 Whitley Road
Whitley Bay
NE26 2LY